KAUST and Leica Microsystems inaugurated a new Center of Excellence (CoE) for Optical Microscopy on the University's campus on March 12. With the new center, KAUST and Leica Microsystems embark on a long-term partnership in cutting-edge life science research with the objective of encouraging new discoveries.
"With the opening of the Center of Excellence on the KAUST campus, there is now a visible expression of our partnership," said Markus Lusser, president of Leica Microsystems. "We will work with KAUST and their world-class faculty members and students to drive the use and implementation of sample preparation and imaging systems. These systems are already revolutionizing approaches to life science and materials research, and we expect KAUST to play a significant role in extending developments in these areas."

Justin Mynar (left, sitting) Executive director of the Core Labs, and Julian Burke, chief scientific officer at Leica Microsystems, sign an agreement to inaugurate the new KAUST-Leica Center of Excellence in Optical Microscopy on the University's campus.
"Today, we—KAUST and Leica Microsystems—have pledged to combine our strengths. The launch of this CoE will impact not just the field of optical microscopy as a whole but on the scientific ambitions of KAUST and the Kingdom," explained Justin Mynar, KAUST associate vice president for research and executive director of the KAUST Core Labs. "Our partnership will impact on all of our users for the betterment of the Kingdom and the scientific achievements that will guide its ambitious development objectives."

(Left to right) Yves Gnanou, Jean M.J. Fréchet, Justin L. Mynar, Julian Burke, Walid Beylouni and Kun Li pose for a photo after inaugurating the new KAUST-Leica Center of Excellence in Optical Microscopy on the University's campus.