Imaging and Characterization Core Lab

Imaging and Characterization Core Lab

Delivering a wide spectrum of capabilities in imaging, structure, and spectroscopy characterization

The Imaging and Characterization Core Lab houses state-of-the-art technologies in the disciplines of electron microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, physical characterization, surface science, and optical microscopy.

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The Imaging and Characterization Core Lab offers five functional areas

The optical microscopy lab houses advanced optical microscopes which provide capabilities in both biological and materials science imaging and characterization. Our expert staff specialize in: cell culturing; staining and tissue processing; 2D, 3D and 4D imaging; advanced live cell imaging; image processing; surface topography inspection; grain size and porosity analysis; and dynamic process imaging and physical characterization.

Within this area a Center of Excellence for Optical Microscopy has been established between KAUST and Leica Microsystems. This partnership supports cutting-edge life science research.


For a listing of technologies in this area please click here

Our NMR lab, supported by our partnership with Bruker, presents cutting edge advanced technologies for obtaining atomic resolution information on the structure and motion of molecules. Processes we are proficient in include; one-dimensional, multi-dimensional, and dynamic nuclear polarization NMR spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging for macroscopic images.


For a listing of technologies in this area please click here

The physical characterization lab specializes in physical property characterization, with a focus on X-ray diffraction, raman spectroscopy, and electrical characterization. Our expertise includes: phase identification of polycrystalline samples by powder X-ray diffraction, 3-D structure determination of single crystals, structural properties measurement of epitaxial thin film, Raman molecular group identification, photoluminescence (PL) analysis for light emission position determination and electrical probing of wafers, dice, and packaged devices.


For a listing of technologies in this area please click here

Our facility specializes in a comprehensive suite of advanced electron microscopy techniques for solid and stable materials, as well as soft and beam sensitive. Thenabling high-resolution imaging, in-depth chemical analysis, and structural characterization at the atomic scale. Our expertise includes:

•A tomic-resolution TEM/STEM and high-resolution SEM imaging.
•Atomic-resolution TEM imaging of ultra beam-sensitive
•Ultra-high energy resolution EELS, band-gap characterization, surface plasmon excitations, and chemical state analysis.
•Extreme high-energy core-loss EELS elemental and bonding analysis.
•Atomically resolved chemical analysis with EDS and EELS.
•MicroED electron crystallography for determining the atomic structure of nanomaterials.
•In-situ TEM investigations for gas, thermal, and liquid operando studies.
•Cryo-FIB, Cryo-SEM, and Cryo-TEM investigations of soft and beam-sensitive materials at cryogenic temperatures.
•Electron tomography and quantitative tomography.
•Large-volume 3D imaging with SEM VolumeScope.

•3D imaging via conventional FIB, Plasma FIB, and Cryo-FIB.

With these state-of-the-art capabilities, we empower researchers across disciplines to push the boundaries of materials science, nanotechnology, and structural biology

For a listing of technologies in this area please click here

Surface science deals with the property of surfaces and sub-surfaces up to a depth of several nanometers. This lab is equipped with technologies for analyzing surface morphologies, chemical states, chemical compositions and composition distribution along depth, enabled by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and atomic force microscopy.


For a listing of technologies in this area please click here